Personal translation

Table of Contents

Spanish translation
Translation of all Personal Texts

Personal translations are carried out by a translator with the necessary skills in the subject area of your text.

When we say personal translation, we mean anything that the client feels is personal to them.

The list iof potential personal documents is very long because each person has their own particular translation need.

A few examples of types of personal translation.

  • Personal correspondence.
  • Letters to family members.
  • Letters and Cards of affection.
  • Delicate matters.
  • Confidential information.
  • E Mails.
  • Text messages.
  • Communications on Social Media. 

Personal translation service

At all times we treat our clients with dignity and respect.

Sometimes when a client first approaches us, they can feel a little awkward or perhaps even embarrassed.

Please don’t.

It is not our job to judge or to comment on a person’s situation in any way whatsoever.

Our commitment is to understand what needs doing and to help to the very best of our ability. 

We translate personal documents with exactly the same care, confidentiality and meticulous attention to detail as any other type of translation.

Here is a typical personal and emotional example:

While on holiday a British person who speaks very limited Spanish meets a Spanish person who likewise does not speak English to any great extent.

Nonetheless they feel there is a connection and they want to stay in touch.

Either the Spanish person or the British will contact us asking us to provide translations of their texts that subsequently they want to use in e mails, texts or indeed letters.

We will produce a translation that is absolutely faithful to their intention both in terms of the words they have chosen to use and most importantly the feeling that they wish to convey with those words.

Personal translation in matters of business

There are other cases where the matter is not about affection or emotion but may nonetheless contain reference to highly personal experiences.

We know how stressful it can be for people who do not speak English to enter into correspondence over such matters as Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credits or other benefits that we mention below.

Although we cannot represent people or fight their corner for them, we can provide a highly professional translation and interpreting service and take the upmost care when working in these cases.

We hope in this way to be helpful to our clients in times of difficulty.

We translate Spanish and English personal correspondence with entities such as:

  • County Councils
  • Borough Councils
  • Housing Associations and Trusts
  • Banks
  • Ombudsman
  • Police
  • Some subjects might include:
  • Disability allowance
  • Carer’s allowance
  • Housing benefit
  • Claims and disputes

Personal correspondence should be sent to us as electronic documents, scanned images or photocopies.

Once we have translated your document, we will return it to you by email and or by post if you wish.

Spanish Translation Service will treat your translation with the utmost confidentiality and once you have stated that you are completely satisfied with our translation, we will remove your file from our database.

If you have sent us a copy of your document by post, we will return it to you.

Please contact us for a free quote or to make an enquiry