Translation Mexican Police Check

Translation Mexican Police Check

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Translation Mexican Police Check. We provide translation of the Mexican Police Check to English.

Recently we have translated a letter from the Mexican Criminal Investigation Agency.

Our translation is signed, stamped, certified and valid for all British authorities.

We think it is interesting to discuss the translation because this Mexican document is substantially different to the Spanish counterpart.

The Mexican Criminal Background Check document contains rather more information.

By contrast, the Spanish, Spain DBS check is simply a one- page certificate.

It simply states that the data base has been checked and that no convictions have been found.

Mexican DBS Police Checks

Criminal background checks in Mexico are carried out by an expert in forensic lophoscopy.

Essentially that is the skill in checking fingerprints.

Such experts are called ‘Maestro’.

This, of course refers to their level of professional training and expertise.

As such, we think that technical expert or indeed master expert are acceptable English terms.

The technical expert is instructed to carry out a very exhaustive search of data within the relevant Mexican institutions.

All laws and paragraphs are listed.

The document is authenticated and supervised and signed by the acting master expert.

Thus, the Mexican Police background check contains more data than the Spanish DBS check.

Nonetheless, both are equally valid for British authorities.

Feedback from our Mexican client

Thank you so much for taking so much care over my Mexican DBS check. I presented your translation to the British entity and it was immediately accepted. So, now I have the job I wanted. Thank you so much and I will pass your details to my Mexican friends.
Elena Montes