Spanish Formacion Profesional Translation

Spanish Formacion Profesional (F.P.) Translation

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This article is about Spanish Formacion Profesional Translation.

Often Spanish speakers abbreviate this to F.P.

I provide translations of certificates and academic records.

These usually include subjects and grades.

My translations are of course signed, stamped and certified.

They are accepted by all British authorities and academic entities.

Please Note: Of course, in Spanish Formación is spelt with an accent.

I am writing this post without an accent because most of my clients are using a British keyboard without accents.

Client Feedback on our translation service

At first, I was worried that British organisations would not be familiar with the Spanish Formacion Profesional.
What a wonderful surprise that you have taught this in Spain!
Consequently you understood my studies perfectly.
Your translation gave me confidence and I got the job I was after.
Thank you so much.

Translating Spanish Formacion Profesional correctly

Some years ago, translators would simply translate Formacion Profesional as General Certificate of Professional Vocation (GNVQ).

That may have been right once, but I would not recommend it.

I will always translate Formacion Profesional as Profesional Training.

Here are my reasons:

History and success of Spanish Formacion Profesional

There is a considerable difference between the ongoing and successful Spanish F.P. and the abandoned British GNVQ.

Let us first look at the history of the Spanish Formacion Profesional.

The interest in providing professional training in Spain dates back to the laws of 1911 and 1928.

Those laws aimed to regulate industrial training courses.

In 1955 a new law organised F.P. into 3 levels.

Preliminary study took 2 years, official 3 years and graduation took 2 years.

The general law of education of 1970 restructured F.P. into 3 new levels: First, Second and Third Grades.

Since then the organisation and content of F.P. has been modified, expanded and developed.

In spite of such modifications F.P. continues to provide a very valuable training with good employment prospects upon graduation.

Employers consider an F.P. certificate as evidence of professional standards.

From a personal perspective such graduates feel valued and validated.

Although they do not choose a traditional university path to education they do compete well for employment.

History of the British GNVQ

The GNVQ no longer exists.

It would therefore be quite wrong for me to use that term as a translation of F.P.

The British General Certificate of Vocational Education (GNVQ) was introduced in 1991.

At first it seemed that the British course would be rather similar to its Spanish counterpart.

It was designed to provide an alternative education from 14 to 19 with 3 levels.

The idea was that these levels would be equivalent to lower GCSE, followed by grades A to C and culminating in an equivalence to 2 A levels.

Students followed a more practical based course of study.

Assessments were ongoing rather than exclusively examinations at the end of each cycle.

Likewise, students gained experience through work place placements.

So, the plan was initially very good.

There were 15 subjects but most students focussed on just 4 subjects.

These were business, health and social care, art and design and leisure and tourism.

Somewhat surprisingly the students did not automatically enter employment.

On the contrary, they decided to continue with traditional study.

Some people have said that school to workplace communication perhaps was not ideal.

Similarly, perhaps the students themselves were sometimes a little confused.

Eventually in 2007 GNVQ was no longer offered.

How this difference informs my Spanish Formacion Profesional translation

I am always going to listen to my client.

My thinking is that it probably best to avoid using the term GNVQ for F.P.

If you feel otherwise, perhaps we can discuss together how best to represent your qualifications.

Personal interest in providing F.P. translations

My first teaching job in Spain was in Formacion Profesional.

I taught English to all levels and across all subject areas.

English was an integral part of the syllabus.

The students absolutely needed to pass the English component.

However, in some cases their previous English language experience had not been ideal.

As such my job was not only to teach them but also to inspire them.

I realised that I had to help them to feel that they could succeed.

To do this I devised a number of non- text book activities.

It was very clear that they became interested when the English language was relevant to their interests.

Naturally I would design activities that related to their specific fields of Formacion Profesional.

Hence if they were studying hair dressing and beautician, I would create tasks that played out in those environments.

Other times it was just as inspiring to use lyrics from popular songs.

They wanted to know what the song was about.

Once they developed an interest, I could build upon that to provide them with syllabus specific language skills.

The consequence of this was that their development became important to me.

Now I want to help such graduates by providing translations of their Formacion Profesional certificates and academic records.


As you are a Formacion Profesional graduate you are a professional with a high standard of training.

I will reflect that in my translation.

To do this I will carefully study your documents.

Naturally I will always listen to any suggestions or preferences that you may have.

By working this way, I believe that I can help you to show your true professional expertise.

Please contact me with any questions about my Spanish Formacion Profesional Translation.